Proof of Concept / Prototype Development
A product idea works best with potential investors or project sponsors when you show them the idea. Let them see it, feel it, experience it.
We will help you put together a prototype all the way from a plain UI/UX mock to a functional prototype with mock data to demonstrate your concept. Show it to your potential users, investors and other stakeholders – get the feedback before committing to a full-blown product development cycle.
Your customer has signed on, your investor has signed on the dotted line…that is truly a great news! Now, you are running against the clock to deliver on your promise.
We are with you, to help you deliver your wonderful idea. Our agile team of experienced developers will ensure your product milestones are delivered as promised. We follow a simple workflow that has helped us deliver value for our customers year after year – Plan, Do, Check, Act.

Technical Support Services
Your product is now out there in the market. Catching attention, generating a lot of buzz – more customers are signing on. Your development team is focused on adding more features, more meat to the product. That is a great thing for the business.
Who is attending to the customers support requests?
Don’t worry, we will not only help you with technical support systems, our team can also step in to handle the support requests.
It is a clichéd phrase – the only constant is change, but is so true for any product. Together we delivered a great product that you had envisaged, but it is a living entity. Demands from the product will change, the environment in which it operates will change. Performance demand has changed. Marketing has come up with many new feature requirements. And every change is also an opportunity for you to leave your competition behind.
We work with you to address all these challenges… or should we say to help you realize the arising opportunities.

- We provide immediate assistance for your critical questions and design issues, helping your team move forward – faster and with confidence.
- More often than not, you will find that we have been there and done that. With the vast product development experience of our experts, you will find that they have seen and addressed many of the issues that your team is facing. They will not only help you solve these issues, they will even help you avoid them in the first place.
- We share the best practices of the tools and technologies that your team in using – to help delivery high quality, stable and scalable solution.